Guide for the Interviewers
The survey is an opportunity to get to know new young people and to deepen our relationship with those that we know in a superficial way. It is an oppotunity to discover what the other person is experiencing with regard to work, not only the conditions or salary but also the meaning that the experience of work has for young people. It means going right to the origins of the YCW when cardijn, still a young priest, asked the young people in the street “how are you getting on at work? what are the conditions like? What are the difficulties you face?” From this starting point you can arrive eventually at the point of proposing the Review of Life, action in the work place, Jesus Christ as a model to follow.
Whom do we ask to complete the questionnaire?
In order to be able to analyse and compare the results from different countries and continents we propose the following common criteria: (please follow as possible)
Age span:
- 33% between 15 and 19,
- 33% between 20 and 24,
- 33% between 25 and 30 years old;
Young workers of the working class or popular milieu (see Declaration of Principles para 4). Unemployed young people can participate; “worker – students” surveyed should have a significant, continuous experience of work to be included in the research; excluding students; excluding workers with high professional qualifications.
Sex: 50 – 60% male and 50 – 40% female
A maximum of 25 % of the young people surveyed can be members of the YCW.
Geographical division of the research in three areas :
- Metropolitan and large urban areas (33%)
- Medium sized and small towns(33%)
- Villages, rural areas (33%)
Where do we carry out the Survey?
Where to go? The places will differ according to the customs and structures of towns and villages.
In general:
- in the neighbouhoods where the YCW is present (to the young people in groups, on the street corners, in the parish, at the shopping mall in the bar/pub, games rooms..)
- at the places of work of YCW leaders (among your workmates)
- in villages, neighbourhoods, towns where the local YCW would like to initiate an experience of the Movement;
- in the family (among brothers, sisters, cousins..)
- at the exit of places of work (near business premises, shops, factories, offices, supermarkets, on returning from the fields for agricultural workers, at ports)
The squares, precincts and central areas of the town, supermarkets and shopping malls in general are places where you can find lots of young people.
Setting up a stall, a table, a poster in such places on Saturday or Sunday could be a good way to get young people interested in the questionnaire. Then there are the bars, pubs, games rooms where young people go in the afternoons and evenings. For young women – one way is go door to door, especially for unemployed young women.
You can also ask for lists of young people:
- at the parish for young people who have made their Confirmation a year or two ago.
- at training centres for young people who have finished their studies.
What should we take with us?
- the questionnaire
- a pen
- a letter of introduction (especially for door to door interviews)
- a leaflet explaining the ICYCW (if necessary ask ICYCW Secretariat)
How do we introduce ourselves?
We should not go alone for a start but rather organize ourselves in two’s and three’s or even more if we are going to a crowded place.
It could be useful to have with us a letter presenting the survey. We could use this when going to the houses of young people whom we wish to interview.
What kind of approach do we make?
We should be friendly and introduce ourselves; say what we are doing, what our objectives are in simple words (we belong to a Christian/Catholic association of young workers who want to carry out a survey on all continents in order to get to know the conditions of life of young workers in the different countries of the world.
We should make it clear that the survey is anonimous and that the questionnaire will not have on it the name of the person interviewed.
Ask if they can spare about 30 minutes to fill in the questionnaire.
How do we ask the questions?
- Read out the questions and the possible replies slowly to give the person interviewed time to think and reply.
- Do not express opinions or judgements about what the person says.
- Do not comment on their answers.
- It could be useful to use the questionnaire first within a YCW group in order to get to know the questions better and clarify any misunderstandings.
And finally, how do we end the interview?
The international survey can be an opportunity for the national Movements to meet and get to know other young people and to involve them in other YCW actions or activities.
So at the end of the interview we could ask if we can contact them again, invite them to take part in some other YCW initiative, ask if they would like to leave a telephone number or address in order to inform them about the results of the survey.
If possible try to have opportunities ready for the young people we meet to be involved in so as not to lose contact.