JOC Rwanda enrols members as they celebrates 60 years
JOC RWANDA- 60 years of existence
After the young people in Rwanda reflecting on their realities of Unemployment, they take Action.
This was done through the creation of cooperatives, providing high school education, technical education and creating employment for the young people in Rwanda through Agriculture, Woodwork, Handcraft, Hair dressing, Welding, Auto mechanic.
Through this great achievement, YCW Rwanda produces 200 graduates per year and has motivated YCW members from the Eastern region (Kenya, Malawi, Uganda) to have an exchange visit with them to learn fro them. The exchange was a success.
JOC RWANDA- 60 years of existence
After the young people in Rwanda reflecting on their realities of Unemployment, they take Action.
This was done through the creation of cooperatives, providing high school education, technical education and creating employment for the young people in Rwanda through Agriculture, Woodwork, Handcraft, Hair dressing, Welding, Auto mechanic.
Through this great achievement, YCW Rwanda produces 200 graduates per year and has motivated YCW members from the Eastern region (Kenya, Malawi, Uganda) to have an exchange visit with them to learn fro them. The exchange was a success.