Mission in Burkina Faso

Training of young people
Visit to the Archbishop of Bobo-Dioulasso diocese.

The ICYCW International secretariat made mission in Burkina Faso from the 5th to 7th January 2022 and the main objective

of the mission were

· Train the national team of YCW Burkina Faso

· Visit the dioceses of Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouagadougou

· Meet the bishop in charge of youth

· Meet the national chaplain of the YCW

· Visit the Jean-Paul 2 Foundation for the Sahel

From the 5th—7th January 2022, training of national team and the federal team of Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouagadougou was done.

The topics covered were: history of the YCW and the YCWC, vision, mission and objectives of ICYCW, international dimension of ICYCW, financial education of ICYCW, review of life (See-Judge-Act method).

From the discussions the young people shared their current realities and those of the movement, from the sharings concerns and challenges of the young people were identified.

A visit to the  Mgr Paul OUEDRAOGO, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bobo-Dioulasso. Was also effected