Our fundamentals
Our official / founding documents
The organization of the International Coordination is ruled by our official texts :
- The Statutes
- The Declaration of principles
- The Internal Regulations
There are all documents adopted by the National Movements to determine the rules that will apply for their international body.
Our founder
YCW was created by Cardinal Joseph Cardijn in Belgium, in 1925. He was also the initiator of an international coordination of countries around the world.
Our cardinal points
Three fundamental truths dominate and illumine the problem of the working youth of the world. They inspire, explain, and direct us towards the solution that the Y.C.W. has to give:
- A truth of faith. The eternal and temporal destiny of each young worker in particular and of all the young workers in general.
- A truth of experience. The terrible contradiction which exists between the real state of the young workers and this eternal and temporal destiny.
- A truth of pastoral practice or method. The need for a Catholic organisation of young workers with a view to the conquest of their eternal and temporal destiny.
Joseph Cardijn
Our methodology
Since the very beginning, YCW is a Youth Movement. This movement is ruled by young people, for young people, with young people.
To function well and feel accompanied, chaplains and companions are appointed to guide us.
Our way to reflect on society and to run into action : the SEE – JUDGE – ACT method.
As actors of our life and of society, as militants, we are invited to look at what is happening around us. Then, the second step is to reflect on this in the light of the Gospel. The last step is about to take action. Reflection without action is no militancy. In that respect, we reflect on how, by ourselves or as a group, we could impact the reality. And impulse a change.
Find here the page to know more about : http://www.cijoc.org/joseph-cardijn-and-the-three-truths/